Receive instructions to carry out an investigation from the Monitoring Officer




Acknowledge receipt





·         Whether further information from the complainant is required 

·         What paragraphs of the code are alleged to have been breached

·         The facts which need to be determined to establish if the member has breached the code

·         The evidence needed to determine the issues

·         How you plan to gather the evidence

·         How long it is likely to take to complete the investigation




·         Contact complainant & request any supporting or further documentary evidence


·         Contact subject Member with details of the complaint & seek explanation




Identify and interview any witnesses




Interview subject Member




Draft report and submit to MO for consideration. Report to contain:

·         Agreed facts

·         Facts not agreed & corresponding conflicting evidence

·         Conclusion as to whether there is a breach of the code of not



MO either accepts report or asks for report to be reconsidered